Route 66: A Deadly Road

Unfortunately, Route 66 has not always been the romantic road we love to describe. It was also extremely deadly for motorists and pedestrians alike. Among other things, because traffic volume grew at an amazing rate over time. Gas stations popped up in every village, on every corner, and the number of cars just shoot through the roof as the Ford T was introduced.

Moreover, the Roaring Twenties in the post-war period triggered a tourism travel craze. The road tried to adapt by opening two, sometimes four lanes, but failed to curb the regular traffic jams.
In their wake, the number of fatal accidents exploded. The romantic "Mother Road" gave way to less flattering nicknames such as "Bloody Highway" or "Death Alley".

Other Route segments were also given sordid nicknames such as "Dead Man's Curve" in Towanda or the foggy bridge of "Devil's Elbow" in Missouri.
For the population living by the road, the situation becomes unbearable. Downtown, the steady stream of vehicles makes crossing the road extremely dangerous.

Some municipalities fund underground walkways while others simply abandon Route 66 seeking a by-pass instead. Needless to say, this was to the detriment of the their business. We can only guess but the especially dangerous nature of Route 66 may have been a deciding factor in its gradual decommissioning from the 1970s.